Show which grammar concepts (tenses, etc.) are included in a story, and filter by these
Fabulang Team
As a first step, Fabulang will provide an analysis of which grammar concepts/tenses are used within the text of the story.
As a second step, it would be possible to filter stories to find stories which include, or use a lot of, a particular tense.
As part of this, you can also read more about that grammar concept.
Fabulang Team
Merged in a post:
grammar explanation
Could you give grammar explanations about essential phrases??? That means a lot to me!!!
Fabulang Team
Ashlyn Cleys Thanks for your post, I've merged it in here into this previous feature idea. I agree this would be an awesome feature and it's something we've started exploring, but it requires a lot of work and so far this feature hasn't attracted any votes. We will definitely implement this eventually, so your further thoughts on how to make it as useful as possible would be most welcome.
Fabulang Team
Merged in a post:
show what tenses & grammar concepts each story features
Ashlyn Cleys
I am a French tutor, and I use your website to help my students get extra practice with pronunciation, reading comprehension, grammar, etc. It would be helpful for myself and my students if you could include a description of which grammar concepts (ie. tenses, moods, adverbial/object pronouns, etc). If you could also allow users to search/filter stories to find ones that contain specific grammar concepts that they are learning (not just tenses like imparfait or passe compose, but moods such as conditionnel present et passe, subjonctif). It would be so helpful! I absolutely love your site and recommend it to all of my students to help them study & practice reading out loud. I actually also use your site's stories to test students' understanding of pronunciation and French phonetics. It is a very helpful tool for myself and my students. Thank you for creating this site!!!